Birth Doula
Be available for continual emotional & physical support during labour
Help ensure that the advice you are given is unbiased and evidence based
Support and guide your partner during birth, so that they feel confident to be involved
Provide initial postnatal support based around your wishes
Evidence that Doula’s make a difference
Research has looked to see if the type of support a women has during labour and birth made a difference. They also considered — does it matter who birthing persons chooses for their continuous support? Does it matter if they choose a midwife, doula, or partner for continuous support?
Two outcomes showed that the best results occurred when a birthing person had continuous labor support from a doula– someone who was NOT a staff member at the hospital and who was NOT part of their social network. The research found that overall, people who have continuous support during childbirth experience a:
- 39% decrease in the risk of Cesarean;
- 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin
- 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
- 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
- 4% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery
- 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience
Details taken from Evidence Based Birth
”Nicola helped keep me focused and calm throughout my birth. I felt like her support was invaluable.