My fertility journey lasted almost 5 years. I experienced recurrent miscarriages. Despite assurances from NHS medical professionals that there was no reason for my ‘bad luck’ I knew instinctively that there was an underlying issue. This was the start of my journey to where I am today; I have the upmost respect for medical professionals BUT they don’t know everything and they are bound by guidelines and risk management considerations.
I soon learnt that the only person in control of my journey was me! I realised that I wasn’t required to accept everything I was told at face value. I began to question and do my own research. I stopped accepting the bare minimum as standard and I asked for second opinions and explanations. I became a solid advocate for myself and the result was a referral to a medical trial where the cause of my miscarriages was discovered. I pushed for an aggressive drug therapy programme which finally resulted in a successful pregnancy. My story had a happy ending; I am a mum of one, to my ‘rainbow baby’ (a baby born after loss). He is a mini-me and keeps me constantly on my toes!
I learnt a lot from this experience and it’s the cornerstone of all the work I do today, supporting women to be their own advocate. Whether that be getting the best possible fertility treatment for their circumstances, ensuring their antenatal care is inline with their choices or supporting their decisions about how and where they birth their baby.
I am a woman’s woman. I believe that we are all Goddesses and should only ever build other women up. I’m always happy to support if someone needs help to find her inner strength and/or voice.